Physics-Based Animations: SpringAnimation and FlingAnimation
By SpringAnimation, we can make our View move like a spring with specified damping, stiffness and final position. To play such animation we must firstly add a proper library which based on our implementation (our other library versions). Here the following dependency to build.gradle(Module: app) has been added
implementation ''
Then we can initiate an instance of SpringAnimation like below
// Create an animation to animate view's X property,
// set the rest position of the default spring to 0,
// and start the animation with a starting velocity
// of 500 (pixel/s).
final SpringAnimation anim =
new SpringAnimation(view, DynamicAnimation.X, 0)
Example 1:
Step 1: Create a new project with empty template. The complete dependencies for our tiny project is shown below.
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation '
Step 2: The activity_main.xml file is as follows.
Step 3: In the we initiate the animation and start it.
The result is something like this.
Fling animation is an animation that continues an initial momentum (most often from gesture velocity) and gradually slows down. The fling animation will come to a stop when the velocity of the animation is below the threshold derived from setMinimumVisibleChange(float), or when the value of the animation has gone beyond the min or max value defined via setMinValue(float) or setMaxValue(float). It is recommended to restrict the fling animation with min and/or max value, such that the animation can end when it goes beyond screen bounds, thus preserving CPU cycles and resources. Refer to fling animation for more details.
Example 2:
Please create a new project with empty template. The dependencies are exactly those for SpringAnimation.
Step 1: Edit the activity_main.xml something like Example 1.
Step 2: Edit the as below.
Then the result is something like this.
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